Committed To The Process
At TerraCorps, we strive for a workplace culture that demonstrates our collective willingness to be in a constant state of learning and growth. For this reason, our culture is not a set structure but a reflection of where we are in our ongoing evolution. In fact, we view our ability to examine and improve structures and systems as evidence of our organizational impact. For TerraCorps, diversity, equity, inclusiveness, and belonging are processes rather than end goals and we are committed to learning together as we continue on this journey.
Our Workplace Culture Goals
Board Governance
TerraCorps’ board governance model is based on the Carver Policy Governance framework. Using this structure, we recognize our moral ownership as 1) Community members who are underrepresented and underserved in the land conservation, sustainable agriculture, and environmental sector 2) TerraCorps alumni who hold an understanding of the Member experience and are positioned to be external leaders and change agents and 3) TerraCorps Service Site who are partners and leaders of the movements we seek to influence and who provide direct services to local communities.
The TerraCorps Board of Directors responds to our moral ownership in two ways. First, the Board is responsible for the development of an Ends Policy that responds to the needs of our moral owners. Second, the Board’s constitution reflects our commitment to representation and diversity.
Hiring Practices
At TerraCorps, we celebrate difference and embrace the impact that diversity of thought, experience, and identity has on our organization. This means our approach to hiring is less about finding the right ‘cultural fit’ and instead looking for candidates who will provide a cultural add to our team. We actively seek to reach communities traditionally underrepresented in the land conservation, sustainable agriculture, and environmental sector. Our hiring process takes pains to ensure that we attract applicants of all backgrounds who have relevant skill sets, abilities, and interest.
Additionally, it is our intent that our diverse constituency see themselves as represented in the diversity of our staff. We understand that cultivating organizational diversity and belonging happens slowly. As such, we are committed to a thoughtful and measured hiring process that seeks to expand our applicant pool beyond our immediate sphere of influence. This is a process that takes significant time, patience, and a conscious decision to prioritize long-term equity goals over immediate staffing needs.
Pay Scale
TerraCorps’ equity-building pay scale takes into account non-profit sector wage data, and a person’s years of work experience, specialized training or education, education-level and the position’s level of responsibility within the organization at the time a person is hired. Pay raises are based on an equity-building model that allocates a larger proportion of the funds available for annual salary increases towards positions that are on the lower end of the pay scale. The immediate effect of this model is that lower-paid positions receive larger annual increases than positions at the mid and higher end of the scale. The long-term impact is that employees who start at the lower and mid-tiers can close the pay gap between those on the higher end more quickly if they decide to stay longer and build their work experience with TerraCorps. Practically speaking, this means that the lowest paid employees receive bigger annual raises in terms of real dollars than the CEO.
Company Culture
TerraCorps is an organization that actively promotes a workplace culture in which staff are encouraged to learn, grow and engage with challenging subjects. We share a desire to learn and a willingness to take risks and make mistakes.
TerraCorps is committed to building a community of strong partnerships to strengthen a shared vision for a healthy and inclusive future. We ask potential partners about their approach to inclusion and empowerment of people traditionally marginalized, and to share examples of what they have accomplished in those areas. We are interested to know what accommodations are provided to people of varying abilities and we work with them, to the extent possible, to support members who need those accommodations. We do not have a checklist of requirements for our partners; instead we seek awareness, effort and the willingness to work towards inclusive, welcoming and supportive environments. If partners acknowledge limitations, we are willing to work with them so that together we may move forward.
Where We’re Headed
TerraCorps continues to learn and grow as an organization. As we look toward the future, we are hoping to:
- Increase our staff-hiring reach to underrepresented groups through expanded job postings
- Support leadership development for all employees
- Increase our internal expertise to self-evaluate and enact change that increases a sense of belonging in our workplace culture