The Change

by Nicole Wilhelmi

When I first came across the TerraCops position on Indeed. I had no idea what AmeriCorps was. I quickly began researching into the program, and what the position of Youth Education Coordinator consisted of. As I continued to read, I began getting more & more excited at the opportunity to help get children involved more with nature. Nature has always been a huge influence on my life. Especially in my most recent years, spending time outside with my dog, and finding new cool spots to hike with friends. When I noticed Mass Audubon’s Broad Meadow Brook, the largest in city wildlife sanctuary as one of the service sites I thought how cool it would be to serve there! I could really help impact children who don’t get the opportunity to explore nature as much living in a city.

Well that opportunity became a reality! I was so excited to jump right into a completely new industry. I came from a 9-5 cubical job to being able to walk trails and teach children about the nature that surrounds them. My first time teaching alone I was extremely nervous, and I felt like the children could sense that and didn’t pay all that much attention to what I was saying. But one girl asked me multiple questions and really seemed interested in what I was trying to teach them, and honestly that was good enough for me. I was proud of myself for stepping out of my comfort zone and trying something completely new! 6 months later I feel like I have grown and learned so much. Not only about the industry but about myself. This opportunity has impacted my life in such a positive way! I am thankful that I decided to take a risk and try something new.

Nicole served as a Youth Education Coordinator at Mass Audubon Broad Meadow Brook for TerraCorps 2018-2019