Febrina Prameswari


Febrina served as a TerraCorps Program Manager for Massachusetts for one year beginning in May 2022 while she was in the U.S. as a Fulbright Scholar. Now returned to Indonesia, Febrina continues to support TerraCorps remotely as a contractor focused on managing many of the program systems she helped us develop during her staff tenure.

Beyond her experience with TerraCorps, Febrina has an extensive history interfacing with multinationals, NGOs, universities, and governments, working within the context of the agricultural industry in Indonesia and Australia to further both human and ecological interests. Febrina was a farmhand on a cattle ranch in Australia, an Animal Welfare Assistant at a livestock export service provider, Senior Program and Research Officer at PT Mitra Asia Lestari (an agribusiness consulting company in Indonesia), and a Research Consultant at International Food Policy and Research Institute, Washington D.C. Throughout her career, she has promoted and helped Indonesian farmers implement good farming practices, serving as an intermediary between government, NGOs, and researchers.

Before coming to the U.S., Febrina lived in the greater Jakarta area on Java Island, Indonesia. She graduated in 2015 with distinction from Bogor Agricultural University with a major in Animal Science. She was admitted to the Australian Northern Territory Cattlemen’s Association Pastoral Exchange Program in 2014, granted an Australia Award in 2017, and received a Fulbright scholarship to the United States in 2020. She earned an M.A. in International Development and Social Change at Clark University, concentrating in Climate Change Impact and Adaptation. Febrina sees herself as a lifelong learner who values critical thinking in addition to open communication. She is passionate about tackling global issues of sustainability. Febrina enjoys traveling and nature, and she is looking forward to fully and exuberantly exploring our world.

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