Store Pond Restoration

by Molly Travers served as Regional Conservation Coordinator at Southeastern MA Pine Barrens Alliance in 2017-2018

On Saturday, November 4th, I co-hosted a restoration event at Store Pond in North Plymouth, along side fellow TerraCorps member Tommy, Land Steward Coordinator at Wildlands Trust. Since this is one of the few remaining open spaces in North Plymouth, the goal was to engage local residents in an effort to keep this site clean and accessible.

With the help of 10 volunteers, we removed  9 bags of trash, furniture, tires, and more  from the site in just 2 hours. I am working on creating invasive species identification guides that can be used by the group when we return to the site in the spring. During the second session, we will provide training to volunteers on the various invasive species on site (Japanese knotweed, Phragmites, and bittersweet) and how best to remove them and prevent their growth. The first session of the Store Pond Restoration was a definite success!