Moire Loftus

Board Director

Moire is the Senior Foundation Relations Manager for Conservation Law Foundation (CLF), an environmental advocacy nonprofit in Boston, where she oversees a portfolio of funders in support of clean air and water, farm and food, community resilience, and environmental justice projects and programs throughout New England. Prior to joining CLF, Moire worked in foundation development for Ceres, focusing on deforestation, sustainable agriculture, and clean water. She also has experience as a grant writer for the Appalachian Mountain Club and the New England Aquarium.

Moire is a TerraCorps alum (2013) and completed her service year as a Community Engagement Coordinator for the Wildlands Trust. Moire is a native New Englander and has a B.S. in Zoology from the University of New Hampshire, as well as a master’s in Public Policy from Northeastern University.

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Zoe Davis

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Greg MacLean

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